Saturday, June 1, 2019

How Does Golding Make This Passage Tense And Powerful? :: English Literature:

How Does Golding Make This Passage Tense And Powerful?Golding uses many techniques to make this passage tense and powerfulby using language and the content of the passage. He uses many typesof imagery and dramatic language throughout the passage as well aschanges in pace and many different sorts of sound effects.The more or less conspicuous means Golding has used to make this passage verypowerful is the content. He implies that someone has died in thispassage, which evokes many feelings among readers because death issuch a opprobrious occurrenceThat little un had a mark on his -face -whither is -he now?The way Golding has portrayed the death is particularly effectivebecause it is not definite that the boy has died and not knowingsomething is more tense than knowing something. Also the boy didntdie in the book, meaning all we have is the reactions from the boysand what they say, instead of knowing exactly what happened we argonleft to think about it on our own, using our own imagina tion.The imagery that Golding uses in the passage is very descriptive andunsettling. He uses personification, similes and metaphorsTall swathes of creepers rose for a moment into view, agonized, andwent down again.Here Golding has used personification to depict the plants. This showshow the boys are starting to see things and get very paranoid of theirsurroundings. The plants seem to be approach to life, which is veryunnatural and disconcerting.One patch touched a tree trunk and scrambled up like a brightsquirrel.This is a simile, describing the ardor to be like a squirrel, whichseems really strange but also very subtle and powerful. Golding hasportrayed to very different things an innocent squirrel and a lethalfire. This makes the fire appear quite harmless thereforehighlighting its danger even more when we find out it has killedsomeone.The drum-roll of the fire---------------------------The metaphor Golding has used here is repeated several times in thepassage. Later he just sa ys, drum-roll instead of fire. This iseffective because a drum roll is a powerful and smasher sound, verydistinctive and of importance. Although it doesnt sound like a fireit is very significant like the fire is in this passage. Also thethought of a emergence drum-roll going on during this passage builds upmuch tension.In this passage Golding doesnt just use the boys speech to convey

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